Biology Reference
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at a symposium that was held at the Vrije Universiteit (the Netherlands, Ams-
terdam) from June 2-5 in 2005. The chapters in this topic are the result of the
symposium and contain the adjustments the authors made as a result of those
Alberghina L & Westerhoff HV (Eds.) Systems Biology: Definitions and Perspectives (Topics in
Current Genetics), Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co, 2005.
Bakker BM, Assmus HE, Bruggeman FJ, Haanstra FJ, Klipp E & Westerhoff HV. Network-based
selectivity of antiparasitic inhibitors . Molecular Biology Reports: 29, 1-5, 2002.
Bakker BM, Mensonides FIC, Teusink B, van Hoek P, Michels PAM & Westerhoff HV.
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Bakker BM, Michels PAM, Opperdoes FR & Westerhoff HV. Glycolysis in bloodstream form
Trypanosoma brucei can be understood in terms of the kinetics of the glycolytic enzymes .
Journal of Biological Chemistry: 272(6), 3207-3215, 1997.
Bechtel W & Richardson RC. Discovering complexity. Decomposition and localization as strate-
gies in scientific research . Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey, 1993.
Bock GR & Goode JA (Eds.) The Limits of Reductionism in Biology . (Novartis Foundation
Symposium 213, John Wiley, London, 1998.
Boogerd FC, Bruggeman FJ, Richardson RC, Stephan A & Westerhoff HV. Emergence and its
place in nature: A case study of biochemical networks. Synthese: 145, 131-164, 2005.
Bruggeman FJ, Bakker BM, Hornberg JJ &Westerhoff HV. Introduction to Computational Models
of Biochemical Reaction Networks . In: Computational Systems Biology, Kriete A & Eils R
(Eds.), Chapter 7, Elsevier Academic Press, Burlington, MA, 2006.
Bruggeman FJ, Boogerd FC & Westerhoff HV. The multifarious short-term regulation of ammo-
nium assimilation of Escherichia coli : dissection using an in silico replica . FEBS Journal: 272,
1965-1985, 2005.
Bruggeman FJ, Westerhoff HV & Boogerd FC. BioComplexity: a pluralist research strategy is
necessary for a mechanistic explanation of the “live” state . Philosophical Psychology: 15(4),
411-440, 2002.
Callebaut W. Again, what the philosophy of biology is not . Acta Biotheoretica: 53, 93-122, 2005.
Carnap R. Philosophical Foundations of Physics , Basic topics, New York, 1966.
Chong L & Ray LB. Whole-istic Biology. Science: 295(5560), 1661, 2002.
Craver CF. Role Functions, Mechanisms and Hierarchy . Philosophy of Science: 68, 31-55, 2001.
Craver CF. Interlevel Experiments, Multilevel Mechanisms in the Neuroscience of Memory . Phi-
losophy of Science: 69 ( Supplement ), S83-S97, 2002.
Crick FHC. Of molecules and man . Washington University Press, Seattle, WA, 1966.
Darden L & Tabery J. Molecular Biology . The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Spring 2005
Edition), Zalta EN (ed.), URL= entries/molecular-
Duve de C. Blueprint for a Cell: The Nature and Origin of Life . Neil Patterson Publishers, Carolina
Biological Supply Company, Burlington, 1991.
Gallagher R & Appenzeller T. Beyond reductionism . Science: 284(5411), 79, 1999.
Hempel CG & Oppenheim P. Studies in the Logic of Explanation . Philosophy of Science:
15, 135-175, 1948.
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