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Fig. 3. This is an example of a solid sphere-based object image pair viewed by subjects.
The sphere-based object image shapes were in contrast to the cube-based object image
Fig. 4. This is an example of a wire frame sphere-based object image pair viewed by
subjects. As in Fig. 2, wire-frame object surfaces enabled subjects to “see through”
each object.
tion, they comprised a'visualization-savvy' subject pool, and, as such, represent
the 'strong case' for generalizing the results. Each subject engaged in four sets
of fifty two trials each, for a total of 208 observations per subject. Each subject
was presented with the same 208 image pairs, and each image pair was unique,
although the presentation order varied.
Results. The data were fitted to a repeated measures multivariate analysis
of variance model (MANOVA). The MANOVA model tested each of the four
main effects (viewing mode, type of motion, surface characteristic and object
shape) on the error rate and response time dependent variable measures. There
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