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Fig. 1. Subjects were presented with pairs of object images. The above is a solid cube-
based image pair with “start,” “same” and “different” user interface buttons embedded.
One half of the presented image pairs were identical and the other half were different.
The left image was always stationary and the right image was always capable of motion.
Fig. 2. This is an example of wire-frame cube-based object image pair viewed by
subjects. There is no opaque surface on the wire-frame images, permitting subjects
to “see through” the objects.
percentage of incorrect responses, and response time, measured in milliseconds.
The test software, developed in the C++ programming language and SGI's Open
Inventor graphics toolkit, automatically recorded repeated measures of the de-
pendent variables. Fourteen female and sixteen male professional employees of
the Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) volunteered as subjects. Although this
subject population may not be a representative sample of the general popula-
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