Chemistry Reference
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polarity: Possessing electrical charge.
population growth rate (r): Per capita rate of increase of population.
potentiation: With reference to toxicity: the situation where the toxicity of a com-
bination of compounds is greater than the summation of the toxicities of its
individual components.
proteomics: Study of all the proteins in the cell.
pyrethrins: Naturally occurring lipophilic esters that are toxic to many insects.
pyrethroids: Synthetic insecticides having a strong resemblance to pyrethrins.
qSaRs (quantitative structure-activity relationships): Relationships between
structural parameters of chemicals and their toxicity.
Recalcitrant: See “Refractory.”
Reductase: An enzyme catalyzing reductions.
Refractory: With reference to environmental chemicals: those that are unreactive
(“difficult to manage”).
Resistance: Reduced susceptibility to a chemical that is genetically determined.
RIvpaCS: River Invertebrate Prediction and Classification.
Rotenone: A complex flavonoid produced by the plant Derris ellyptica . It has
insecticidal activity due to its ability to inhibit electron transport in the
Selective toxicity (selectivity): Difference in toxicity of a chemical toward different
species, strains, sexes, age groups, etc.
Superoxide anion: Oxyradical implicated in oxidative stress.
Superwarfarins: Second-generation anticoagulant rodenticides related to warfarin.
Synergism: Similar to potentiation [q.v.], but some authors use the term in a more
restricted way (e.g., where one component of a mixture, the synergist, would
not cause toxicity if applied alone at the dose in question).
tBt: Tributyl tin.
tCdd: Tetrachlorodibenzodioxin.
toxic equivalent (teq): A value that expresses the toxicity of a chemical rela-
tive to that of a reference compound.
toxicodynamics: Relating to the toxic action of chemicals on living organisms.
toxicogenomics: Application of genomics to toxicology.
toxicokinetics: Relating to the fate of toxic chemicals within living organisms—
that is, questions of uptake, distribution, metabolism, storage, and excre-
tion; factors that determine how much of a toxic form reaches the site of
transcriptomics: Simultaneous measurement of the expression of all genes (or a
substantial part thereof) in the genome of an organism.
transthyretin (ttR): A protein complex found in blood that binds both retinol
(vitamin A) and thyroxine.
uncouplers of oxidative phosphorylation: Compounds that uncouple oxidative
phosphorylation from electron transport in the inner mitochondrial mem-
brane. Most are weak lipophilic acids that can run down the proton gradient
across this membrane.
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