Chemistry Reference
In-Depth Information
should yield new assays and strategies for environmental risk assessment that will
be better scientifically and more acceptable ethically than many of the practices fol-
lowed at the present time.
furtHer readIng
Atterwill, C.K. et al. (1991). Alternative Methods and Their Application in Neurotoxicity
Testing —Describes a range of in vitro tests for neurotoxicity and proposes a “stepwise
scheme” for neurotoxicity testing.
Ballantyne, B.C. and Marrs, T.C. (Eds.) (1992). Clinical and Experimental Toxicology of
Organophosphates and Carbamates —A wide-ranging collection of chapters giving a
broad coverage of the toxicology of these important neurotoxic compounds.
Eldefrawi, M.E. and Eldefrawi, A.T. (1991). Nervous-System-Based Insecticides —Describes
the mechanisms of action of a wide range of neurotoxic compounds, both human-made
and naturally occurring.
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