Chemistry Reference
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The following issues of Environmental Health Criteria are valuable sources of infor-
mation on the environmental toxicology of organometallic compounds:
Craig, P.J. (Ed.) (1986). Organometallic Compounds in the Environment —A collection of detailed
chapters on the environmental chemistry and biochemistry of organometallic compounds.
Environmental Health Criteria 18 Arsenic
Environmental Health Criteria 85 Lead Environmental Aspects
Environmental Health Criteria 86 Mercury, Environmental Aspects
Environmental Health Criteria 101 Methylmercury
Environmental Health Criteria 116 Tributyltin
International Atomic Energy Agency (1972). Mercury Contamination in Man and His
Environment , Technical Report Series 137—Contains some useful accounts of work
done in Sweden on ecotoxicology of organomercury compounds that is difficult to find
in the general literature.
Matthiessen, P. and Gibbs, P.E. (1998). Critical Appraisal of the Evidence for TBT-Mediated
Endocrine Disruption in Molluscs —A concise review of effects of TBT on molluscs.
Scheuhammer, A.M and Sandheinrich, M.B (Eds.) (2008). Special issue of the journal
Ecotoxicology devoted to effects of methyl mercury on wildlife, which gives recent
results of field studies conducted in North America.
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