Civil Engineering Reference
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Furthermore the slender, robust, durable and proven WIB bridges (rolled beams in con-
crete) of the European rail systems can again be made competitive by using PreCoBeam
( Pre fabricated C o mposite Beams ). By introducing these beams for example into framed load
bearing systems such as integral abutment bridges, it is possible to manufacture hybrid inte-
gral structures with concrete shafts and composite crossbeams that can easily absorb the high
horizontal forces from impacts or earthquakes. The fabrication of the beams in the factory
and the reduction of the number of tasks on the building site lead to simple, effective quality
assurance and improve health and safety protection during the building program [12].
However, in most European countries only little experience with integral bridges as well
as PreCoBeam bridges, thus road administrations often are reluctant in using these innova-
tive bridge types.
Therefore landmark projects are needed, aiming on presenting the knowledge gained
within the scope of the INTAB (RFSR-CT-2005-00041) as well as the PRECOBEAM (RF-
SR-CT-2006-00030) projects, in a comprehensible way for the public as well as for authori-
ties, designers and constructors.
Hence, the ECOBRIDGE project has as objectives the construction of three composite
bridges with integral abutments and/ or PreCoBeam. The targeted countries are: Germany,
Romania and Poland.
3. Background of the project and state of the art
Bridges are of vital importance to the European infrastructure and composite bridges already
became a popular solution in many countries and a cost-effective and aesthetic alternative to
concrete bridges [1][2][3][4]. Their competitiveness depends on several circumstances such
as site conditions, local costs of material and staff and the contractor's experience. A major
advantage is the savings in construction time, which reduces the traffic disturbance, conse-
quently saves money for the contractor but even more for the road users; a fact that for a long
time has been neglected. Recently this factor is increasingly drawn into focus as latest studies
show the necessity of taking not only the simple production costs but also the construction
time and the damage to national economy into account when deciding for a specific bridge
type. [5][6][7]
Thus nowadays the following demands are made on bridge structures, which are all met
by the construction of composite bridges [3][7].
low production and maintenance costs;
short construction time, to save costs for traffic control measures;
construction of the bridge without essential interference of the traffic under the bridge;
minimised traffic disturbance for maintenance.
All these needs have been proven to be met by integral abutment bridges [1][3], as this
bridge type not only lowers production and maintenance costs but reduces economic and
socio-economic costs as well.
The superstructure can be designed quite slender, which decreases the construction
height and the earthworks respectively. This leads to a decrease of material, fabrication,
transport and construction costs.
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