Java Reference
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• A value of west will render to the left of the page. The height of the section
will automatically cover all available vertical space. This value is used on the
Left section on the NetBeans-generated markup.
• A value of south will result in the layout unit being rendered at the
bottom of the page. The width of the section will span through all available
horizontal space. This value is used to generate the Footer section on the
NetBeans-generated markup.
• A value of center will result in a layout that renders in the center of the
page. Both the width and the height of the section will expand to take all
available horizontal and vertical space, respectively.
• We can also use a value of east for the position attribute of
<p:layoutUnit> (not used in the NetBeans-generated markup). This value
will generate a section rendered on the right side of the page, with its vertical
size expanding to take all available vertical space.
The <p:layoutUnit> component has a size attribute that we can use to set the
width (for a position attribute value of east or west ) or height (for a position
attribute value of north or south ) of the layout unit. When using center as the
value of the position attribute, the value of the size attribute is ignored and the
layout unit expands to take all available vertical and horizontal space.
The <p:layoutUnit> component also has resizable , closeable , and collapsible
attributes; setting these attributes to true allows us to resize, close, and collapse the
rendered section, respectively.
The NetBeans-generated PrimeFaces markup also employs the <p:menu> PrimeFaces
component. This component allows us to easily create menus to aid the users
navigate though our application.
We can use one or more nested <p:submenu> components inside <p:menu> . This tag
allows us to group related menu items together. The <p:submenu> component has
a label attribute we can use to label our menu items. In the NetBeans-generated
markup, a <p:submenu> component with a label of Resources is used. We can add
one or more <p:menuitem> tags inside <p:submenu> , one for each menu item. The
<p:submenu> component has a value attribute, whose value will render as the text
of the menu item, and a url attribute that we can use to set the URL of the page the
menu will navigate to.
PrimeFaces has drop-in replacements for most standard JSF components, for
example, there is a PrimeFaces-specific <p:inputText> tag that is analogous to the
standard <h:inputText> tag. This fact makes porting standard JSF applications to
PrimeFaces very easy, mostly by replacing the h: prefix of standard JSF applications
with the PrimeFaces-specific p: prefix.
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