Java Reference
In-Depth Information
To make JSF interpret HTML tags, we need to add at least one JSF-specific
attribute to the tag—any JSF-specific attribute will do. These tags are defined in the
xmlns:jsf= "" namespace, which we need to add to
the page.
In our example, we transformed an HTML form into a JSF form by adding the
jsf:id and jsf:prependId attributes to the <form> tag. To every input field, we
added a jsf:id and jsf:value attribute. These JSF specific attributes let JSF know
that these tags should be treated as their JSF equivalents.
We can see in the preceding markup that we used JSF-specific <f:selectItem>
tags to set the options of our dropdown. One disadvantage of JSF HTML5-friendly
markup is that <option> tags inside a <select> tag are not interpreted correctly,
so we still need to use <f:selectItem> to set the options of a dropdown.
When we execute our code, we can see our page rendered in the browser.
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