Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
capacity of 10 million tons, steel-making of 6 million tons, cement of 50 million
tons, and small thermal power units of 54.07s MW in total, reaching the target of
50 MW one and half year early. Since 2008, the program of constructing big
power units while closing down small ones by itself reduced emissions equiva-
lent to 50 million tons of carbon dioxide.
2. Energy conservation in key industries and fields: actively pushing forward the
implementation of the ten major energy conservation projects, guaranteeing the
progress and effects of the projects. The 11th Five-Year Plan can save energy of
240 Mtce, equivalent to emissions of 550 million tons of carbon dioxide.
The ten major energy conservation projects: renewing coal-fired industrial
boilers (furnace), regional heat-electricity cogeneration, utilization of waste heat
and residual pressure, saving and substituting oil, energy saving of motor
systems, optimization of energy systems, construction energy saving, green
lighting, energy saving of government organizations, energy saving monitoring,
and building of the tech-support service system.
Top-1000 Energy-Consuming Enterprise Program: The program conducted
the enterprise audit and developed energy saving plans, and reported energy use;
started benchmarking efforts of major energy consuming companies. This pro-
gram could realize energy savings of 100 Mtce during the 11th Plan.
Central Government Financial Support: in 2008, central government special
financial support of 27 billion Yuan was granted to energy saving; the key
projects included renewing the technology of energy saving, eliminating out-
dated capacity, energy saving in construction, popularizing energy saving
products, and building energy saving capabilities, with more than 1,200 projects
of renewing energy saving technology. After the projects were launched, it was
expected to form the capacity of saving 25 Mtce.
3. Fiscal and tax policies, including (1) policies of encouraging production or use
of energy saving products, including energy saving products in the list of
government procurement; (2) investing and subsidizing or offering discount
loan to support major projects of energy conservation and development of
energy saving technology and pilot projects. (3) implementing the reform
scheme for fuel oil tax, encouraging the development of environment-friendly
and energy-saving cars with small emission volume, and washing out vehicles
with high oil consumption. (4) raising the threshold of industries with high
energy consumption, adopting measures of adjusting export tax rebate and
tariffs, containing the export of “high-energy-consumption, high-pollution and
resource-related” products.
4. Developing a recycling economy: from the four aspects of resource output,
resource consumption, comprehensive use of resource, and waste emissions,
respectively setting up 22 and 4 evaluation indexes of the recycling economy.
5. Developing new energy and optimizing the energy structure: in 2005, the
Renewable Energy Law was issued, making policies to prioritize the entry into
the grid of renewable resources, full acquisition, price offers, and social pooling,
and establishing a special fund for the development of renewable resources,
supporting resource examination and investigation, R&D of technology, pilot
projects, and development and use of rural renewable resources.
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