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should monitor the exports of carbon-intensive products to know the
dynamics of the export structure.
4. Adjust the export structure, encouraging the export of low carbon products
but curbing the export of high carbon products. Due to the relatively stable
technology level, adjusting the export structure can play an important role
in achieving the emissions reduction targets for 2020. China should
encourage the export of products with low carbon intensity and reduce
the export of products with high carbon intensity by using export tax rebate
policies. China should also restrict the production scale of high carbon-
intensive products by putting a higher environmental tax on products
which emit too much CO 2 emissions.
1. Lenzen, M. (1998). Primary energy and greenhouse gas embodied in Australian final con-
sumption: An input-output analysis. Energy Policy, 26 (6), 495-506.
2. Lenzen, M., & Shauna, A. (2001). A modified ecological footprint method and its application
to Australia. Ecological Economics, 37 , 229-255.
3. Machado, G., Schaeffer, R., & Worrell, E. (2001). Energy and carbon embodied in the interna-
tional trade of Brazil: An input-output approach. Ecological Economics, 39 (3), 409-424.
4. Peters, G., & Hertwich, E. G. (2006). Energy and pollution embodied in trade: The Norwegian
case. Global Environmental Change, 16 , 379-387.
5. Weber, C. L., Peters, G. P., & Da, B. G. (2008). The contribution of Chinese exports to climate
change. Energy Policy, 36 (9), 3572-3577.
6. Shui, B., & Harriss, R. C. (2006). The role of CO 2 embodiment in US-China trade. Energy
Policy, 34 , 4063-4069.
7. Yan Yunfeng, & Yang Laike. (2010). China's foreign trade and climate change: A case study
of CO2 emissions. Energy Policy, 38 (1), 350-356.
8. Liu, et al. (2008). Energy and carbon embodied in main exporting goods of China. China
Industrial Economics, 8 , 46-55.
9. Wyckoff, A. W., & Roop, J. M. (1994). The embodiment of carbon in imports of manufactured
products: implications for international agreements on greenhouse gas emissions. Energy
policy, 22 (3), 187-194.
10. M¨enp¨¨, I., & Siikavirta, H. (2007). Greenhouse gases embodied in the international trade
and final consumption of Finland: an input-output analysis. Energy Policy, 35 (1), 128-143.
11. Munksgaard, J., Pade, L. L., Minx, J., et al. (2005). Influence of trade on national CO 2
emissions. International Journal of Global Energy, 23 (4), 324-336.
12. Limmeechokchai, B., Suksuntornsiri, P. (2007). Embedded energy and total greenhouse gas
emissions in final consumptions within Thailand. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews,
11 (2), 259-281.
13. Zhu, Q. R. (2010). Research on the CO 2 emissions produced by China's exports. China
Industrial Economics, 1 , 55-64.
14. Lenzen, M., & Murray, S. A. (2001). A modified ecological footprint method and its applica-
tion to Australia. Ecological Economics, 37 (2), 229-255.
15. Tia, W., Suksuntornsiri, P., & Limmeechokchai, B. (2006). Macro-economic assessment of
policy on promotion of NGV in Thailand: an energy input-output analysis. Fuel , 2011-2016.
16. Shen, L. S., & Tang, Z. (2008). The effect of foreign trade on China's discharge of pollutants.
Management World , 6 , 21-29.
17. Yin, X. P., et al. (2010). Energy embodied in goods in China-Japan trade: an analysis and
policy implications. World Economy Study , 7, 32-37.
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