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Final results, we see et = 7317.8 . This value is presented in seconds, so that means
our test ran for 121.963 minutes after the stats were reset.
Stats are reset after the warm-up time has been achieved. If your system
requires longer ramp-up time, this is a configurable value,
warmup_time=X , and is located in the DriverConfig.txt file.
The next value we come across is n_overall . This value represents the total number
of orders processed after the stats were reset after the warm-up period. For the
preceding test, we have a value of n_overall=461871 , so we know that a total of
461,871 orders were processed during this test period.
Moving on, the next value is opm . The opm value indicates the orders per minute. For
the preceding test, we have a value of 3786, meaning we handled 3,786 orders per
minute. This value will change, as you will see in the test, and is a rolling update of the
last minute.
The next value is rt_tot_lastn_max . This value represents the experience of the
last 100 users, in milliseconds, for their ordering experience. For our test, we have a
value of rt_tot_lastn_max=268 , which means the last 100 users experienced
268 milliseconds of delay across the steps of their purchasing experience.
The next value we see is rt_tot_avg . This value represents the total response time
experienced by a user during their ordering cycle. This includes logging in, creating a
new user account, browsing inventory, and purchasing product. For our test, we had a
value of rt_tot_avg=15 , which means the user experienced an average of 15-
millisecond response time.
The n_login_overall value represents the total number of logins. For our run, the
result returned was n_login_overall=369343 , meaning we had 369,343 logins
for the entire test. Unlike the previous results, which provide a snapshot of performance
at that current moment, this value represent the total number of logins for the duration of
the test.
The next cumulative value we are presented with is the n_newcust_overall value.
This value represents how many new customers registered during the test period. For
our test, the value we achieved was n_newcust_overall=92528 , meaning we
had 92,528 new customers.
Next, we have the n_browse_overall value presented. This value represents the
total number of browses experienced during a run. For our run, the value returned was
n_browse_overall=1385324 , meaning we had 1,385,324 browses.
The next value in our results chain is n_purchase_overall . This value represents,
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