Database Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 6.10 Maintenance Plan Wizard's Statistics Update option.
It's important that databases have updated statistics so that the Query Optimizer
works properly. This can be done via automatic settings or scheduled
maintenance jobs. Use scheduled maintenance jobs where the timing of the
gathering of these statistics needs to be done to minimize impact on performance
of the database during peak demand periods.
Data Compression and Column Storage
Data Compression and Column Storage (also known as xVelocity memory optimized
column store indexes) are features available only with SQL Server Enterprise Edition.
They are not available in other editions. (See
us/library/cc645993.aspx for a list of which features are supported in which S QL
Server editions.) If you are licensed and using SQL Server Enterprise Edition, we
would recommend you make use of these features where appropriate.
Data Compression
Data Compression was originally introduced in SQL Server 2008 and has improved
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