Information Technology Reference
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that still need time to mature. EGEE is moving toward Web services
adhering to WS-Interoperability recommendations wherever possible.
In order to achieve the required reliability and scalability to support the
size and workloads of EGEE, a strict software process, involving several
stages of testing has been applied. This process, which has been modeled
after industry-strength processes, includes software coni guration man-
agement, version control, defect tracking, and an automatic build system.
The experiences gained with the gLite developments are made available
to other software projects via the ETICS project [20], which offers the soft-
ware development tools to a wider community: as described on p. 000, a
series of testing infrastructures are used to bring the gLite components to
production readiness.
EGEE actively engages with application communities, beginning with
high, energy physics (HEP) and biomedicine at the start of EGEE but
expanding to support many other domains. These include astronomy,
computational chemistry, earth sciences, i nancial simulations, fusion
science, and geophysics, with many other applications currently evaluat-
ing the infrastructure. EGEE also works with industrial users and indus-
trial service providers to ensure technology transfer to business. Further
details on EGEE's work with business can be found in [21].
The applications running on the EGEE grid are rapidly moving from
testing to routine usage, with some communities already running large
numbers of jobs on a daily basis. Overall, the infrastructure serves some
140,000 jobs per day. Figure 3.5 shows the development of the usage of the
infrastructure, normalized to kilo SpecInt200. There has been a steady
increase in usage and although the high-energy physics domain is still the
dominant user responsible for some two-thirds of the resource consump-
tion, the usage by other domains is steadily increasing and now equiva-
lent to the total HEP usage a year ago. EGEE allows user groups to federate
their distributed resources into a seamlessly accessible infrastructure,
thus optimizing their usage; at the same time, resource centers support-
ing multiple disciplines can offer their services to all the supported disci-
plines via a common interface provided by EGEE. An overview on
applications using EGEE is provided in [3].
The following sections highlight three of the application areas supported
by EGEE: high-energy physics and biomedicine, which are the pilot appli-
cations of EGEE, and a digital image analysis application that thanks to the
service-oriented architecture of EGEE is building an application-specii c
infrastructure on top of EGEE.
EGEE Applications
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