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can be provided by the DMIS to enable dynamic coni guration of
the FOM, which is not supported by most of the traditional RTIs.
The various grid services can be deployed and undeployed on
demand. The RTI index service operates as a system-wide regis-
try so that the other services can dynamically discover each other.
The RTI index service also employs a load balancing mechanism
to improve the overall system resource efi ciency.
Other grid services can be easily integrated into SOHR for more
functionalities such as checkpointing services for fault-tolerance
purposes and messaging services for optimization of cross-cluster
Based on the grid, SOHR can utilize the underlying grid infra-
structure, such as the grid security infrastructure, to evolve a
secure, scalable, and coordinated large-scale distributed simulation
HLA-based distributed simulations on the grid can be categorized into
three approaches, namely a grid-facilitated approach, a grid-enabled
approach, and a grid-oriented approach. We have previously proposed a
SOHR framework, which is so far the only work following the grid-ori-
ented approach. The functionalities of an RTI are provided as grid services
so that distributed simulations can be conducted without any vendor-spe-
cii c RTI software. Grid services are used as the communication infrastruc-
ture, so distributed simulations can be conveniently conducted across
administrative domains. SOHR creates a plug-and-play paradigm for an
HLA RTI implementation. A new algorithm for an HLA service group can
be easily incorporated into SOHR, which makes SOHR an extensible
framework. Other benei ts of SOHR were described in the previous sec-
tion. This chapter elaborates on the design of SOHR and evaluates its per-
formance after its migration to GT4.1.1. Experimental results show that,
after the migration, SOHR's performance is improved signii cantly and is
now comparable with the performance of the DMSO RTI due to the sup-
port of persistent TCP/IP connections by GT4.1.1. In the future, the DDM
service group will be added to the SOHR prototype to make it a more
complete HLA RTI. Our sort-based DDM matching algorithm proposed in
[35] will be implemented. Some realistic case studies will be developed to
further evaluate the SOHR prototype.
Conclusions and Future Work
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