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In the section of service integration by workl ow, the following topics
are covered: (1) workl ow technologies were introduced, which include
service-oriented workl ow, workl ow languages, workl ow engines, and
workl ow systems; (2) features of scientii c workl ow in grid computing
were identii ed; and (3) the state-of-art service component architecture
(SCA) that can be employed to build a service-oriented workl ow
was described.
In the case study, the literature related to the UK e-Science program was
reviewed, and a MaterialsGrid project that employs both portal and work-
l ow technologies to provide an integrated platform and to automate the
operations required for running CASTEP quantum mechanical simula-
tion over grids was introduced.
The authors would like to acknowledge the UK government DTI-funded
MaterialsGrid project, and contributions from MaterialsGrid partners.
1. J. Novotny, “The Grid Portal Development Kit,” Concurrency and Computation:
Practice and Experience , 14 (13-15), 1129-1144, 2002.
2. GridSphere. Available at:
3. X. Yang, M. Dove, M. Hayes, M. Calleja, L. He, and P. Murray-Rust, “Survey
of tools and technologies for grid-enabled portals,” in Proceedings of the UK
e-Science All Hands On Conference , pp. 353-356, Nottingham, UK, 2006.
4. M. Russell, G. Allen, G., Daues, I, Foster, E. Seidel, J. Novotny, J. Shalf, and G.
von Laszewski, “The astrophysics simulation collaboratory portal: A science
portal enabling community software development,” Cluster Computing , 5 (2),
297-304, 2002.
5. UNICORE. Available at:
6. M. Romberg, “The UNICORE architecture: Seamless access to distributed
resources,” in Proceedings of the Eighth IEEE International Symposium on High
performance Distributed Computing , pp. 287-293, Redondo Beach, CA, 1999.
7. Novotny, “Developing grid portlets using the GridSphere portal frame-
work,” IBM developerWorks: IBM Resource for Developers and IT profes-
sionals, 2004. Available:
8. I. Kelley, O. Wehrens, M. Russel, and J. Novotny. “The Cactus Portal,” in
Proceedings of Third International Conference on Asian and Pacii c Coasts (APAC)
2005: Advanced Computing, Grid Applications and eResearch , 4-8 September,
Seogwipo KAL Hotel, Jeju, Korea, 2005.
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