Information Technology Reference
In-Depth Information
6.7.2 Additional Services Provided by the NGS
Support Center .................................................................. 160 Monitoring Services ........................................... 160 GSI-SSH Terminal ............................................... 161 MyProxy Upload Tool and MyProxy Server ..... 161 NGS CPU Checking Utility ............................... 161 BDII MDS Service ............................................... 162 Advanced Reservation ....................................... 162 Wiki ....................................................................... 162 Grid Operations Center DB ............................... 162
6.8 Partner- and Afi liate-Certii ed Sites ....................................... 163
6.9 Documentation and Training ................................................... 163
6.10 Future of the National Grid Service ........................................ 165
6.11 Case Studies ................................................................................ 165
6.11.1 Grid-Enabled Neurosurgical Imaging Using
Simulation (GENIUS) ...................................................... 166
6.11.2 Modeling and Simulation for e-Social
Science (MoSeS) ............................................................... 167
6.11.3 RTGrid ............................................................................... 167
Acknowledgments .............................................................................. 168
References ............................................................................................ 169
The UK National Grid Service (NGS) [1] currently provides researchers
within the UK and their collaborators with access to a wide range of
computing and infrastructure resources using grid technologies that have
been developing in the UK since 2001. The NGS is not the only grid activity
within the UK and has developed alongside other activities such as
GridPP, EGEE (Enabling Grids for E-SciencE), and other institutional-
based activities such as campus grids. Working toward the future, the
NGS is aiming to increase the collaboration with such existing activities
and also look toward a sustainable future, in line with other activities
such as the planned European Grid Initiative (EGI).
The UK National Grid Service developed out of the much larger e-Science
program funded within the UK from 2001. The e-Science program comprised
Background to the Creation of the NGS
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