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29 Nilsson M-C, Högberg P, Zackrisson O, Fengyou W (1993) Allelopathic effects by Empetrum her-
maphroditum on development and nitrogen uptake by roots and mycorrhizae of Pinus sylvestris .
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30 Nilsson M-C (1994) Separation of allelopathy and resource competition by the boreal dwarf shrub
Empetrum hermaphroditum Hagerup. Oecologia 98: 1-7
31 Zackrisson O, Nilsson M-C, Dahlberg A, Jäderlund A (1997) Interference mechanisms in Conifer
- Ericaceae - feathermoss communities. Oikos 78: 9-20
32 Wardle DA, Nilsson M-C, Gallet C, Zackrisson O (1998) An ecosystem-level perspective of
allelopathy. Biol Rev 73: 305-319
33 Callaway RM, Aschehoug ET (2000) Invasive plants versus their new and old neighbors: A mech-
anism for exotic invasion. Science 290: 521-523
34 Ridenour WM, Callaway RM (2001) The relative importance of allelopathy in interference: the
effects of an invasive weed on a native bunchgrass. Oecologia 126: 444-450
35 Bais HP, Walker TS, Stermitz FR, Hufbauer RA, Vivanco JM (2002) Enantiomeric-dependent
phytotoxic and antimicrobial activity of (±)-catechin. A rhizosecreted racemic mixture from spot-
ted knapweed. Plant Physiol 128: 1173-1179
36 Weir TL, Bais HP, Vivanco JM (2003) Intraspecific and interspecific interactions mediated by a
phytotoxin, (-)-catechin, secreted by the roots of Centaurea maculosa (spotted knapweed). J
Chem Ecol 29: 2397-2412
37 Bais HP, Vepachedu R, Gilroy S, Callaway RM, Vivanco JM (2003) Allelopathy and exotic plant
invasion: from molecules and genes to species interactions. Science 301: 1377-1380
38 Carey EV, Marler MJ, Callaway RM (2004) Mycorrhizae transfer carbon from a native grass to an
invasive weed: evidence from stable isotopes and physiology. Plant Ecol 172: 133-141
39 Callaway RM, Thelen GC, Barth S, Ramsey PW, Gannon JE (2004) Soil fungi alter interactions
between the invader Centaurea maculosa and North American natives. Ecology 85: 1062-1071
40 Harper JL (1977) Population biology of plants . Academic Press, London, UK
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