Biology Reference
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individuals and genes, rather than species and groups. Reeve and Sherman (1993)
provide a lucid discussion of the distinctions between Tinbergen's four questions and
the inter-relationships between them. Scott-Phillips et al . (2011) discuss the distinction
between proximate and ultimate questions about human behaviour. Robinson et al
(2008) review genes and social behaviour. Pulido (2007) reviews the genetics and
evolution of bird migration. Godfray et al. (1991) review clutch size. Both and Visser
(2001) show how migrant birds, which breed in northern Europe, may be constrained
in their responses to advanced springs on the breeding grounds due to climate change,
because their migration from African winter quarters is triggered by day-length
variation on the wintering grounds.
1. Is it possible to investigate the function of a behaviour pattern without understanding also
its causation, development and evolution?
2. In this chapter it was concluded that infanticide had evolved because of its advantage to
male lions when they take-over a pride. An alternative hypothesis is that it is simply the
non-adaptive outcome of the mayhem involved when a new group of males takes over.
How would you distinguish between these hypotheses?
3. Discuss how the production of a larger clutch size in one year could lead to decreased
reproductive success of the parents in future years. How would you test your hypotheses?
4. Discuss the problems of investigating whether clutch sizes are 'optimal' from field studies.
What would you conclude if your study showed that clutch size was sometimes apparently
not optimal? (Read: Tinbergen & Both, 1999). Could rapid climate change lead to sub-
optimal clutch sizes?
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