Civil Engineering Reference
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Fig. 11.47 Post-deformation
springback reduction using
EAM [ 9 ]. Springback in
Al6111 sheet metal strip
specimens was completely
eliminated with a single 1.5-s
electrical pulse of 120 A/mm 2
or greater post-deformation,
but prior to removing the
material from the die
Fig. 11.48 Percent reduction
in springback due to shape
retention tests [ 9 ]
effects of springback can be completely eliminated with a current density of 120 A/
mm 2 . The percent reduction in springback from the same specimens is quantified
in Fig. 11.48 [ 9 ]. From this work, it can be concluded that applying electricity to
a part after deformation could be a viable method for reducing springback effects.
11.4.5 Electrically Assisted Micro-Forming
Siopis et al. [ 24 - 26 ] examined how different microstructure properties affect the
effectiveness of EAM in micro-extrusion experiments. Specifically, it was con-
cluded that a finer-grained material, with more grain boundary area, enhanced the
electroplastic effect, whereas a larger-grained material, with less grain boundary
area, lessened the effect [ 24 ]. Another work by Siopis and Kinsey [ 25 ] determined
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