Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Dear Visa: I'm Off to Kununurra!
Some credit card companies recommend that you notify them of any
impending trip abroad so that they don't become suspicious when the
card is used numerous times in a foreign destination and your charges are
blocked. Even if you don't call your credit card company in advance, you
can always call the card's toll-free emergency number (see “Fast Facts,”
later in this chapter) if a charge is refused—a good reason to carry the
phone number with you. But perhaps the important lesson here is to carry
more than one card with you on your trip; a card might not work for any
number of reasons, so having a backup is the smart way to go.
American Express, Visa, and
MasterCard offer checks in Australian
If you choose to carry traveler's
checks, be sure to keep a record of
their serial numbers separate from
your checks in the event that they are
stolen or lost. You'll get a refund faster
if you know the numbers.
Credit cards are a safe way to carry
“money”; they provide a convenient
record of all your expenses and they
generally offer good exchange rates.
You can also withdraw cash advances
from your credit cards at banks or
ATMs, provided you know your PIN.
If you've forgotten yours, or didn't
even know you had one, call the num-
ber on the back of your credit card
and ask the bank to send it to you. It
usually takes 5 to 7 business days,
though some banks will provide the
number over the phone if you tell
them your mother's maiden name or
some other personal information.
Your credit card company will likely
charge a commission (1% or 2%) on
every foreign purchase you make, but
don't sweat this small stuff; for most
purchases, you'll still get the best deal
with credit cards when you factor in
things like ATM fees and higher trav-
eler's check exchange rates.
Visa and MasterCard are univer-
sally accepted in Australia, but Ameri-
can Express and Diners Club are
considerably less popular. Always
carry a little cash because many mer-
chants will not take cards for pur-
chases under A$15 (US$9.75) or so.
For tips and telephone numbers to
call if your wallet is stolen or lost, go
to “Lost & Found” in the “Fast Facts”
section of this chapter.
5 When to Go
When it is winter in the Northern
Hemisphere, Australia is basking in the
Southern Hemisphere's summer, and
vice versa. Midwinter in Australia is
July and August, and the hottest
months are November through March.
Remember, unlike in the Northern
Hemisphere, the farther south you go
in Australia, the colder it gets.
Airfares to Australia offered by U.S.
airlines are lowest from mid-April to
late August—the best time to visit the
Red Centre, the Top End, and the
Great Barrier Reef!
HIGH SEASON The peak travel
season in the most popular parts of
Australia is the Aussie winter. In much
of the country—Queensland from
around Townsville and northward, all
of the Top End and the Red Centre,
and most of Western Australia—the
most pleasant time to travel is April
through September, when daytime
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