Agriculture Reference
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1. (Plowman, 1904)
2. (Ishikawa, 1990)
3. (Goldsworthy)
4. (NY Times, 1985)
5. In case you missed it earlier, naturally-occurring ground currents are also known as
telluric currents.
6. As we'll see later in Chapters 11 & 12, researchers have now shown that there
are inter-plant communications that take place in response to external stimuli (like
insect attack) via pheromones or volatile chemical compounds.
7. Various substances that are released into the soil from roots.
8. ECGsmeasuretheelectricalsignalsaroundabeatingheartandEEGsmeasurethose
coming from the brain.
9. Unstable because they are missing or have extra valence electrons.
10. Known as a concentration gradient .
11. (Goldsworthy,Volkov, 2006)
12. (Goldsworthy,Volkov, 2006)
13. (Dorchester, 1937; p9)
14. Passive Transport allows the movement of uncharged or small particles through the
cell membrane without any energy expenditure.
15. (Schroeder, 1999)
16. (Goldsworthy,Volkov, 2006)
17. Note: To help with visualizing the generation of APs, we'll throw in some
references of using a mechanical 'spring' to show how an AP is created.
18. (Goldsworthy; Volkov and Jovanov 2002; Lautner et al. 2005)
19. (Goldsworthy; Volkov)
20. Home Page of Dr. A. Goldsworthy
21. (Hepler, 2005; p.5)
22. (Tuteja, Narendra, and Mahajan,p1)
23. Known as electrotonic potential
24. (Saito, 2012)
25. In Dionaea muscipula ; See (DuBois, 2010) for more details.
26. (Goldsworthy,Volkov, 2006)
27. (ESA Report, 2008)
28. (Young, 1997)
29. (Chopra,Formitchev-Zamilov)
30. (Tuteja, Narendra, and Mahajan,p4)
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