Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
• Increases in surface hydrophobicity
• Changes in cell shape
• Increases the number of surface extracellular substances
• Increases the negative surface electrostatic charge
• Increases cellular metabolism 6
• Increases cellular reproduction rate 7
• Other physiological changes from electrical or other environmental stresses
While the mechanisms and effects are not necessarily well understood, it is known that
beneficial effects from electric fields are realized within specific stimulation ranges or
windows. It is for this reason that more experimentation is needed in this area so we can
learn how to best achieve benefits from electrical stimulation on both fronts: from the
strains, like E. coli .
It is worth noting that in lab tests where electricity is applied to soil, any cell death that
occurs may partially be due to electrolysis reactions that occur on or near the electrodes.
These reactions are capable of generating chemical oxidants that could be harmful to
bacteria (e.g. chloride ions). Wang et. al. has even found that an electrical current of more
than 20 milliAmps can deform or destroy bacterial cells. Later on, this will need to be kept
in mind when it comes to designing electroculture systems. In cases where high voltage
(in the 1000s of Volts) is applied, the induced currents in the cells are capable of affecting
the orientation of membrane lipids and ultimately, cell vitality. They are even capable of
directly oxidizing portions of the cell itself 8 .
Enhanced Reproductive Activity
It has also been determined that electric fields can also increase the number of
microorganisms via enhancements in their reproduction rate while also strengthening their
activity. The benefit of these changes is their ability to increase nutrient availability while
simultaneously building up organic matter in the soil 9 .
Stimulation of Aerobic Bacteria
It's worth noting that electricity can induce responses on both aerobic and anaerobic forms
of bacteria. Based on the fact that electrolysis reactions in wet soil create oxygen as a
aerobic bacteria are stimulated, it maximizes their population compared to any anaerobic
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