Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
Chapter 6: Soil Electrochemistry
In this chapter, the topics of soil science and electrochemistry will be described with respect
phenomena occur when electric fields are applied to materials like sand or soil. In the
following sections, five physical processes will be described that will help explain how the
growth of plants is affected when soils are electrically stimulated.
The main topics of the following chapter are:
• The electrolysis of water
• Electrolytes in the soil
• The effects electric fields have on soil
• The effect electric fields have on pH
Electrochemical Mechanics of Soil
Electric Fields and Soil?
When an electric field is applied to a wet, porous medium, a number of effects can be
observed: - Electrolysis
- Electro-osmosis - Electro-kinetic migration - Electro-migration - Electro-phoresis
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