Agriculture Reference
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Membrane potential
Is the difference in electric potential (voltage) between the interior and the exterior
of a biological cell. (via Wikipedia)
Are the intermediates and products of metabolism. They have various functions
including fuel, structure, signaling, stimulatory, etc. (via Wikipedia)
Negative membrane resting potential
Is the state that an electrically-sensitive cell resides in before the build-up of
electrical charge occurs on the way towards causing an action-potential event.
Describes the loss of electrons by a molecule, atom or ion. (via Wikipedia)
Is the movement of biochemicals and other atomic or molecular substances across
cell membranes, without the use of chemical energy. (via Wikipedia)
Root exudates
Refers to fluids emitted by an organism through pores. It is known that plant roots
emit various chemicals that may be beneficial or harmful to surrounding plants, as
used in the case of companion planting. (via Wikipedia)
Redox reactions
Includes all chemical reactions in which atoms have their oxidation state changed.
Examples include the oxidation of carbon to yield carbon dioxide, or the reduction
of carbon by hydrogen to yield methane. (via Wikipedia)
Describes the gain of electrons by a molecule, atom or ion. (via Wikipedia)
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