Agriculture Reference
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Electric field
Is generated by electric charge and time-varying magnetic fields. It describes an
electrical energy. Learn more at Wikipedia .
Electrochemical gradient
Is composed of two parts, an electric potential (voltage) and a difference in chemical
concentration across a membrane. (via Wikipedia)
Is the transport of material caused by the gradual movement of ions in a conductor
(or conducting medium, like moist soil), due to the momentum transfer between
conducting electrons and diffusing atoms. (via Wikipedia)
A bulk transport of water, which flows through the soil as a result of the applied
electrical field. The flow of liquid is induced by an applied voltage across a porous
material. (via Wikipedia)
The movement of charged particles and colloids under the influence of an electrical
field. As an example, in electroculture or electrokinetic remediation activities,
negatively-charged clay particles or cellular organisms are transported towards a
positive electrode located within the soil mass.
Electrotonic potential
A fast-moving signaling effect that occurs within cells in reaction to cellular
depolarization where charge collections start moving to different portions of the
cell wall. See: (Kahn Academy](
human-biology/v/electrotonic-and-action-potentials] for a great explanation.
Facilitated diffusion
Is the transport of ions or molecules across a biological membrane via specific
membrane proteins located within the cell wall. (via Wikipedia)
Fungal hyphae
Refers to a long, branching filamentous structure of a fungus. They are the main
mode of vegetative growth and are collectively called a mycelium. (via Wikipedia)
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