Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
The above list is just a sampling of what's likely possible using electricity in the treatment
of plant-based afflictions. Some researchers suggest that the increase in action potentials
causes a wound-healing response. While further research is needed as to the underlying
reasons behind the healing response, this is a promising area that is ripe for exploration.
The purpose of this chapter has been to show the wide body of benefits that are possible.
The number of effects upon the plant physiology itself are staggering: faster metabolism,
and genetic activations and more. With all of the positive effects that can be achieved
through using the methods of electroculture, now is a time that is ripe for gardeners,
farmers and experimenters alike to reap the benefits. This knowledge can be used to not
only improve the growth of our crops, but more importantly to help with the creation of
a more productive and sustainable food production system. So whether you're an urban
gardener trying to grow some salad greens on your balcony or the manager of a large scale
farming operation, the benefits are the same, just at different levels of scale.
Now that we're finished explaining the history of electroculture, the science behind the
new applications that can be the basis for future experimental work in this area.
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