Database Reference
In-Depth Information
Ideally the query against the dba_invalid_objects view returns zero rows. The final step when using Oracle Restart
is to update the metadata configuration using srvctl upgrade database as shown in the example:
[oracle@server1 ~]$ srvctl upgrade database -d ora11 -o $ORACLE_HOME
This command does not seem to consider the oratab file which needs to be changed manually, replace the path
to the pre-12c Oracle home with the installation path you chose if you have not done so already.
If the output of “srvctl status database -d <dbname>” complains that the database was not running but you
clearly see that it is (for example, there are background processes) then you might need to stop the database using
SQL*Plus and start it with srvctl. The environment for your Oracle processes should reflect the new Oracle home.
Assuming that the UNIX process ID for the database's smon process was 10059, then the following little command
taken from the proc(5) manual can help you get clarity about the ORACLE_HOME:
[root@server1 ~]# ( cat /proc/10059/environ; echo ) | tr '\000' '\n' | grep ORACLE_HOME
A word of caution: your database is now migrated to the current release and should under no circumstances be
started from the old ORACLE_HOME!
Performing necessary post-upgrade steps
Each new database upgrade guide lists a number of steps to be completed. Whether or not these steps are required
depends on your configuration. Following are the steps to consider:
Check your oratab file to ensure that the Oracle home for a given ORACLE_SID points to
the 12.1 home, not the previous one. Do NOT start the 12.1 database instance from its old
Oracle home!
Ensure that your .bashrc, .bash_profile, /etc/profile or .profile scripts do not set environment
variables pointing to an old Oracle home for your database.
If you saved statistics using the DBMS_STATS.CREATE_STATS_TABLE procedure then these
tables need to be updated using the UPGRADE_STAT_TABLE procedure in the DBMS_STATS
Upgrade the RMAN catalog.
If you want to make your XMLDB repository available for FTP and HTTP authentication then
you may need to initialize the ports after the database migration.
If the pre-upgrade tool recommended that you change the timezone file, you should do so.
The log file lists a note on My Oracle Support which can be used for the process.
Users of Application Express have to make changes to their configuration settings after the
If your IT security department has not created a compliance document then you should lock all
Oracle supplied accounts except for SYS and SYSTEM. Use CDB_USERS.ORACLE_MAINTAINED
column to define Oracle internal accounts and lock them if they are not already locked.
You might want to recreate your
orapw$ORACLE_SID file to the new 12c format or use the new
INPUT_FILE parameter in orapwd to migrate it to the new format.
Each of these steps is explained in detail in chapter 4 of the official, Upgrade Guide . Consult that chapter for more
information on any of the steps you wish to perform.
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