Database Reference
In-Depth Information
Property "dbfilenameconvert" updated
DGMGRL> edit database "CDBFSDCA" set property
> logFileNameConvert = '/u01/oradata/CDBFSDCB, /u01/oradata/CDBFSDCA';
Warning: ORA-16675: database instance restart required for property value modification
to take effect
Property "logfilenameconvert" updated
If your disk group names in ASM are the same across all databases in the configuration you do not need to set any
file name conversion parameters. Now ensure that standby file management is set to auto:
DGMGRL> show database "CDBFSDCA" StandbyFileManagement
StandbyFileManagement = 'MANUAL'
DGMGRL> edit database "CDBFSDCA" set property
> StandbyFileManagement = auto;
Property "standbyfilemanagement" updated
Repeat the edit command for all standby databases in the configuration.
Configuring redo application delay
Sometimes it is useful to have a third database lag a little behind the primary database to have more time to detect
logical corruption. Humans are humans, and they make mistakes. Maybe someone starts a batch job at the end of the
day with the wrong input parameters? Or someone executes a data cleaning operation that uses the wrong predicates
in the where clause? There are many reasons your system could be in a bad state. If one of your standby databases
trails behind for say 30 minutes then you have a little extra time before that, too, has to be recreated.
To enable the apply delay, you need to change the database property DelayMins as shown here, where a
30-minute delay is set.
DGMGRL> edit database "CDB1DCC" set property DelayMins = 30;
Property "delaymins" updated
Having one of the standby databases in the Data Guard configuration with an apply delay does not impact the
ability to fail over to another standby database which is 100% in sync with production. Be aware though that a standby
with an apply lag cannot be the target of a switchover operation.
Enabling the configuration
With all the above changes made, it is finally time to enable the configuration and to verify the setup. Enable the
configuration while connected to the primary database in the Broker command line interface.
[oracle@server1 ~]$ dgmgrl /@cdb1dca
DGMGRL> enable configuration;
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