Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
It's not just about sticking up a tent and sleeping in it. It's
about living a little more slowly, leaving the computer at
home, and seeing what's out there in the real world. It's
about a cup of coffee tasting better in the fresh air, waking
up near a beach and going for a swim, or looking up into
the night sky and seeing stars, rather than streetlights.
Since we started camping as children, a lot has changed.
Tents are easier to put up, sleeping mats are much more
comfortable, and there's a whole range of stuff out there
to make camping less of a chore. But perhaps the biggest
recent change is that we're all now so much more mobile.
This gives camping a marvelous spontaneity, and the fact
that it's also cheap means you can take advantage of a good
weather forecast and escape the speed and stress of
modern living at the drop of a hat. Even if the weather's
bad, it doesn't really matter. You can snuggle down in a
sleeping bag, and just listen to the rain on the tent.
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