Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
The seminole Using the
teepee technique, get a
blaze going, and then add
three or four chunky logs
and slowly advance them
into the embers from
opposite angles. This is great
for when you don't have
much firewood, yet it will
burn for some time.
The hunter's fire This is
a really useful campfire
to cook on because it
catches rapidly and
produces embers
quickly. You can adapt
it to burn longer if you
also need it for warmth
(see pp104-5).
The lean-to Most useful in a
wind, this gives warmth
quickly and requires one
green, live stick that is
driven into the ground at an
angle. The stick should be in
line with the wind direction,
with the buried end
upwind. A line of dry sticks
is then laid against the
green one, forming a tunnel.
This offers some protection
while you introduce the
tinder into the open end.
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