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Therefore, besides the need for fast implementation related to the
patient's age, restorative material for primary teeth should also be
sealable and adhesive to tooth tissues, bioactive and hydrophilic.
Glass ionomers meet all of these requirements.
11.4.2. Longevity of restorative materials in primary teeth
A review of the literature concerning the longevity of dental
materials used in primary dentition highlights a wide variation in
success rates. Indeed, numerous factors are involved: the type and
brand of the material used, the practitioner's experience, the site and
depth of the carious lesion and the age and co-operation of the patient.
Additionally, the lifespan of restorations in primary teeth is
significantly different from that of permanent teeth, regardless of the
chosen material [HIC 99]. This emphasizes the specificity of the
selection criteria for primary dentition material.
Yengopal and colleagues in 2009 [YEN 09] conducted a
systematic review of the literature, comparing the outcomes of
different materials used for the restoration of primary teeth, in terms
of pain relief, durability and esthetics. The study concluded that, from
1996 to 2009, there were only two well-conducted randomized clinical
trials, evaluating the different restorative materials. These trials
reported no significant differences between the materials. In one of
these two trials, Donly and colleagues in 1999 [DON 99] compared an
RMGIC with amalgam over a three-year period. However, owing to
the high “lost to follow-up” rate, only the 12-month results are
reported. No significant difference was found.
In terms of longevity, GICs are therefore materials that may pose
an alternative to amalgams or composites for the restoration of
primary teeth for a limited period of time. At present, two types of
GIC are clinically relevant: RMGICs and HVGICs. However, some
studies demonstrate differences in longevity depending on the type of
GIC used and the site (occlusal or proximal) of the cavity.
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