Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Retailers on less prosperous islands attribute Bermu-
da's continuing reputation as a shopping mecca not
only to the superb climate, but also to many years of
skillful marketing. Indeed, no one has ever accused Bermudi-
ans of not knowing how to sell their island—or their rich inventories of
Bermuda, once widely hailed as a “showcase of the British Empire,” is still
that, at least in its variety of goods. The retail scene draws upon its British
antecedents: Shopkeepers are generally both polite and discreet, and
merchandise is unusual and well made. In addition, most retailers take
full advantage of location. Shops usually occupy charming cottages or
historically important buildings, making shopping even more fun. Even
visitors who intend to do no more than window-shop are likely to break
down and make a purchase or two.
In most cases, shopping on Bermuda is about quality, not bargains.
Shops face huge import tariffs, plus employee-related taxes, leading to
what some view as outrageously high prices. And it rarely pays to com-
parison shop—the price of a watch in a branch store in St. George is likely
to be exactly the same as it is in the main shop in the City of Hamilton.
Bermuda's Best Buys
Most of Bermuda's best shops are along Front Street in the City of Ham-
ilton, where shopping is relaxed and casual. Among the choicest items are
imports from Great Britain and Ireland, such as fine china, crystal, and
cashmere sweaters and tweed jackets. Many items cost appreciably less
than in their country of origin.
Because of a special “colony-like” arrangement with Great Britain,
certain British goods are cheaper in Bermuda than in the United States,
thanks to lower import tariffs. Some frequent visitors stock up on porce-
lain, crystal, silverware, jewelry, timepieces, and perfume, perhaps antici-
pating a wedding gift several months in advance. The island abounds with
merchandisers of fine tableware, including Royal Copenhagen, Wedg-
wood, and Royal Crown Derby. Crystal is also plentiful, with many of the
finest manufacturers in Europe and North America providing wide selec-
tions of merchandise. For a fee, most items can be shipped.
Liquor is also a good buy in Bermuda. U.S. citizens are allowed to bring
back only 1 liter duty-free, but even adding U.S. tax and duty, you can save
35% to 50% on liquor purchases, depending on the brand. Liqueurs offer
the largest savings.
The island's wealth of antiques and collectibles is extraordinary. Antiques
lovers appreciate Bermuda's fusion of British aesthetic and mid-Atlantic
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