Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Although people visit Bermuda mainly to relax on its
spectacular pink sand beaches, the island also offers
a wealth of activities, both onshore and off. In fact,
Bermuda's sports facilities are better than those on most
Caribbean and Bahamian islands.
The most popular outdoor pursuits in Bermuda are tennis and golf, but
sailing ranks high, too. If you hesitate to pick up a racket or golf club
because you've neglected your game, fear not: Your Bermudian partner, on
the court or on the links, would deem it quite improper to remark that
your play was anything but superb. If a word of friendly criticism is ever
offered, be assured that it will be as gentle as the island's ocean breezes.
Bermuda's waters are the clearest in the western Atlantic. Reefs, ship-
wrecks (many in such shallow water that they're even accessible to snor-
kelers), a variety of marine life and coral formations, and underwater
grottoes make Bermuda ideal for scuba diving and snorkeling. For loca-
tions of many of these activities, see the maps throughout this chapter.
Bermuda is one of the world's leading beach resorts. It boasts kilometers
of pink shoreline, broken only now and then by cliffs that form sheltered
coves. Many stretches have shallow, sandy bottoms for some distance out,
making them safe for children and nonswimmers. Some beaches (usually
the larger ones) have lifeguards; others do not. The Parks Division of the
Department for Agriculture and Fisheries supervises public facilities.
Hotels and private clubs often have their own beaches and facilities. Even
if you're not registered at a hotel or resort, you can often use their beach
and facilities if you become a customer by having lunch there.
You'll find dozens of spots for sunbathing, swimming, and beachcomb-
ing; here's a list of the island's most famous sands, arranged clockwise
beginning with the south-shore beaches closest to the City of Hamilton.
Elbow Beach
One of the most consistently popular beaches in Bermuda, Paget Parish's
Elbow Beach incorporates almost 1.5km (1 mile) of (occasionally inter-
rupted) pale pink sand. Private homes and resort hotels dot the edges.
Because protective coral reefs surround it, Elbow Beach is one of the saf-
est beaches on the island—and it's the family favorite.
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