Agriculture Reference
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growing phases of an organism, cannot be made up at some later life stage. Thus a
person's stature is fixed at the end of the growth phase, and subsequent good or even
excellent nutrition will not cause the individual to grow in stature, although he or
she may grow in weight even to obesity.
In observing the meals of the three farmers, as shown in Figures 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, Donio's
meal consists of fish and rice; A´da and Octavio's meal contains maize, beans,
salad, and fish; and Steve's meal contains beef, maize, and salsa. Donio, A´da, and
Octavio are all likely to drink water as part of the meal, while Steve will drink tea
flavored with lemon and sugar. These meals represent only one meal out of a
whole year and so do not represent any type of average of the different foods
eaten. However, a majority of Donio's meals will consist of simply rice and fish
with an occasional addition of chicken, egg, camote tops, camote tuber, taro, and
cooking banana.
For A´da and Octavio the meals will vary in the meat eaten in that they will eat
pork, chicken, and guinea pig meat during the year. Also they will eat meals that
have maize of various kinds and in various forms, potatoes, and cooking bananas. In
some cases a meal may contain all three, for example, maize, banana, and potato as
a major part of the meal. They will eat various vegetables from the garden as they
become available.
Steve and his family will eat a variety of meats, primarily pork, beef, and
chicken, but little or no fish, goat, or lamb during the year. It is common for there
to be both potatoes and bread with the meal, and many meals, including breakfast,
will include both of these. Vegetables eaten will depend on the tastes of the family
because all vegetables will be available in the local grocery store at all times
during the year. During the summer more of a particular vegetable, for example,
maize, may be eaten fresh out of the garden or from a fresh garden market.
Comparing the energy content (Figure 2.27) of the meals shown in Figures 2.1, 2.2,
and 2.3, the calorie content is seen to increase from Donio to Steve's meal. This is due
to the carbohydrate, meat, and fat content of the meals.
Pie graphs (Figures 2.28, 2.29, and 2.30) show the relative percentages of the four
main diet components—protein, fat, carbohydrate, and fiber—in each of the diets.
Donio's meal contains carbohydrate and protein with a significant amount of fat.
A´da and Octavio's meal has a majority of protein with decreasing amounts of carbo-
hydrates, fiber, and fat in that order. Steve's meal has a large amount of carbohydrate,
mostly because each person will eat three ears of maize, with a significant amount of
protein and lesser amounts of fat and fiber. No attempt has been made to estimate
the amounts of butter or butter substitute applied to the maize and the increased fat
and salt content this would add.
When comparing the meals, Steve eats the most (relative) amount of carbohydrate
and A´da and Octavio the highest amount of protein. A´da and Octavio eat the largest
amount of fat and Steve the least with Donio inbetween. Donio eats little fiber while
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