Agriculture Reference
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Figure 1.41. Haybine for cutting and conditioning grass.
on grass growing in fields, that is, pastures. Their feed is supplemented with protein, salt,
and maize and during the winter by feeding them hay harvested and baled the previous
summer. Salt is supplied as blocks, which also contain minerals, that the cattle lick.
Hogs are raised in a barn, equipped with automatic feeders and waterers and with a
slatted floor to allow feces to fall through into a pit, which is pumped out regularly and
the manure applied to surrounding fields. Figure 1.42 shows a tractor with a tank for
hauling and spreading manure. He raises two groups of 1200 hogs per year for a
total of 2400 hogs. Hogs are raised on a contract basis—the young hogs and their
feed is supplied by the owner and Steve contracts to raise them to reproductive age
at which time the owner takes the hogs back. Thus Steve supplies the buildings,
care, and labor for raising the hogs for which he is paid a set fee.
Figure 1.42. Tractor with a manure tank.
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