Agriculture Reference
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New cocoyam tanier (A, C), tannia (A, C), taina (A, C), yautia (A, C)
A root crop
(Xanthosoma sagittifolium).
Nitrogen Essential plant element. In agricultural usage, application rates are gener-
ally expressed as kilogram of nitrogen per hectare even though crops use nitrate
(NO 3 ) or ammonium (NH 4 ) forms.
OIE World Organization for Animal Health (Office International des Epizooties).
Ox Type of cattle (Bos taurus) used for pulling farm implements such as plows, carts,
etc. Usually a male that has been castrated after the hump develops at the base of
the neck.
Paddy In Asia a paddy refers to the field where rice is grown under flooded
conditions. It also refers to the threshed rice grain before any milling is done to
remove the hull.
Paddy rice Term for rice grown under partially flooded conditions.
Papaya (W), fruta bomba (C) A fruit (Carica papaya).
Passion fruit, (W) granadilla (A) A fruit (Passiflora edulis).
Peanuts (NA), ground nuts (A) A nut as defined herein (Arachis hypogaea).
Permafrost Soil that has permanently frozen layer.
Phosphate Essential plant element. In agricultural usage, application rates are
generally expressed as kilogram of P 2 O 5 per hectare, not the element P.
Phosphorus Pure form of the element.
Pig Any type of swine (Sus scrofa).
Pollenizer Plant producing or providing the pollen for another plant.
Pollinator Pollen-transferring agent.
Potash Essential plant element. In agricultural usage, application rates are generally
expressed as kilogram of K 2 O per hectare, not the element K.
Potassium Pure form of the element.
Pullet Young (less than one year old) female chicken (Gallus gallus).
Pummeo (A), pomelo (A), pommelo (A), pamplemousse (A), bali lemon (PI),
Limau besar (A), shaddock (C)
A fruit (Citrus maxima).
Ram Male sheep (Ovis aries).
Red wheat Any type of wheat with a reddish coloration such as hard red winter wheat
or soft red winter wheat.
Refined Refers to foods that have been processed to take away some components,
commonly fiber but may also include vitamins and minerals.
Rhizobium Bacteria genus that forms a symbiotic relationship with certain plant
species. The bacteria obtain N 2 from the atmosphere and convert it to forms
usable by the plant.
Rooster Male chicken (Gallus gallus).
Rough rice In the United States this is the name applied to threshed rice grain before
any milling is done to remove the hull.
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