Agriculture Reference
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Figure 1.20. A´da and Octavio's farm house.
the road up and around the mountain to get to the farm entrance at the top of the ridge.
No one in the family has a bicycle and so walking is the only way to get to Pintag.
Pinantura is near the Nevado Antisana, a snow-covered volcanic peak in the
Andes, and from the farm you can also see Monte Tener ´ as, another snow-capped
mountain. The location of the farmhouse on the top of the ridge gives the family a beau-
tiful view of these mountains. The farm is also near San Alfonso and Santa Rosa, two
beautiful small towns. A ´ da and Octavio's daughter, Mar ´ a Isabel, dreams about con-
verting this spot into a tourist attraction someday.
Their farmhouse, shown in Figure 1.20, is situated on about 0.75 ha of land, on a
ridge of the mountain, owned by Octavio. Another 0.5-ha field owned by A ´ da is about
500 m away. This field, shown in Figure 1.21, is used for maize and oats. In front of the
house, across the ravine, is another field of 1 ha owned by Octavio's father. He is too old
Figure 1.21. A´da's main field.
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