Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
The authors have selected three very different farms from different parts of the
world—the Philippines, Ecuador, and the United States—to illustrate the varieties
of farming operations. The student should not take from this that these are the
only types of farms found in these countries. All types of farms can be found in
all countries, that is, subsistence, moderate size family, and large commercial
farms occur in all countries including the United States.
All over the world food comes from farms to nonfarm peoples. However, the similarity
stops there. The size, crops grown, equipment used, soil, water available, electricity
availability, transportation, and sale of crops are all different. In spite of this wide vari-
ation, all of these various farm types provide food for themselves and their neighbors.
To begin studying world food three farms from three different places—the
Philippines, Ecuador, and the United States—have been chosen to serve as examples
of the wide variety of farms in the world. These are not necessarily representative
farms in the world or the particular country but rather are used to show the diversity
and range of farms. Figures 1.1 and 1.2 show the locations of the farms in the world
and relative sizes of the three countries.
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