Information Technology Reference
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Figure 3.11 presents an example where two models
that conform to the UML component metamodels are
woven. On the left, we present a component model
including the components User Control , Authentication
Manager , and Lock Control . On the right, we present a
component model including the components Door Actuator
and Electronic Lock . On the bottom, we present a
component model, which is the result of weaving the two
models presented before. These models are woven to create
an application that automatically opens and closes doors in a
3.5. Modeling framework
The Eclipse modeling framework (EMF) [BUD 03] is
the main academic and industrial reference of modeling
toolkit [PAN 07], extend the facilities that EMF provides.
Through our work,we use theTopcased facility to create model
editors. This section introduces EMF and Topcased.
3.5.1. The eclipse modeling framework
The EMF [BUD 03] is a modeling framework and code
generation facility for building tools and other applications
based on models. EMF started as an implementation of
the MOF specification and currently it uses Ecore as meta-
metamodel, which is a core subset of the MOF model.
EMF offers editing tools for creating and manipulating
metamodels that conform to Ecore and models that conform
to such metamodels. This support includes re-usable classes
for building model editors and code generation capabilities.
EMF also offers runtime support for operations with models,
including change notification, persistence support with XML
Metadata Interchange (XMI) serialization,and a reflectiveAPI
for manipulating EMF objects.
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