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appears in a feature configuration, a containment hierarchy
for Category is present if the feature MultiLevel is
selected, the class Asset is present in a template instance
if the feature AssociatedAsset is chosen, the feature
PhysicalGoods implies the attribute weight in the class
Product , and so on.
Figure 8.2. Example of a UML class diagram with
annotations [CZA 05] (for a color version of this figure, see
8.9.2. The Wagelaar's approach
Problem space: expressing variability and configuring
products . The Wagelaar's approach [WAG 05, WAG 08a,
WAG 08b] focuses on variability related to technological
platforms. The author proposes an explicit platform model ,
which serves as a vocabulary for describing technological
platforms. The platform model is expressed using the Web
Ontology Language (OWL) [SMI 04].
Ontologies are commonly used to represent domain
knowledge and to provide a controlled vocabulary in specific
domains. OWL supports the necessary concepts of a general
ontology language, such as classes , properties , individuals ,
and relationships between these individuals. In OWL, domain
concepts are generally represented as simple named classes,
which can have subclasses. Class members or instances are
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