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valid feature configurations there is a set of transformation
rules in charge of generating a runnable product,or that in our
decision models we include execution conditions that take into
account each valid feature configuration. Currently, this is the
responsibility of the product line architects.
We have made some attempts to manipulate feature models
in SPLE using the concurrent constraint programming (CCP)
paradigm in [ARB 10]. The novelty of our approach is that we
facilitate the management of feature interactions to architects.
5.4.2. Features interaction
A feature interaction occurs when a feature modifies or
influences another feature in defining the overall system
behavior [CAL 03]. Generally, such an interaction occurs when
two items have some intersections and their execution does
not commute. For example, assume a feature model including
three features, A , B , and C . If the feature A interacts with
the features B and C , the selection in a feature configuration
of A and B will imply baseline scheduling. The selection of A
and C will imply a different adaptation and then the selection
of the three would not produce the expected result. The
problem of dealing with feature interactions is an important
problem,which currently deserves special attention in the field
of feature modeling [REI 09]. In our current approach, we
take into account that the presence of one particular feature
in different valid feature configurations may imply different
adaptations of a baseline scheduling of transformation rules.
For instance, in Table 4.1 the presence of the Feature One in
adaptation. In row one, we specify that if the Feature One
appears Selected in a feature configuration, irrespective
of the other features, Rule A must be intercepted and the
Rule A' must be executed instead. In row three, we
express that if Feature One appears Unselected and
Feature Three appears Selected inafeatureconfiguration,
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