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Domain metamodel::Floor elements into Facilities
Metamodel::Floor elements.
On the other hand, we create specific transformation
rules taking into account the possible features that can
affect the transformation process. In this case, those are
features from the facilities feature model. For instance,
we create two transformation rules to transform Domain
metamodel::Window elements. The first one, taking
into account the Automatic Windows feature, creates
FacilitiesMetamodel::Automatic ( Window ) elements
and one FacilitiesMetamodel::WindowsController
element for each created Room element. The second one,
taking into account the Air Conditioning feature, creates
FacilitiesMetamodel::Manual ( Window ) elements and
one FacilitiesMetamodel::AirConditioning element
for each created Room element. Therefore, if the feature
Automatic Windows is selected, the first transformation
rule must be executed; if the feature Air Conditioning is
selected, the second transformation rule must be executed.
Similarly, we create two different transformation rules to
transform Domain metamodel::Door elements.The first one
creates FacilitiesMetamodel::Door elementscontaininga
Domain metamodel::Fingerprint element; the second one
creates FacilitiesMetamodel::Door elements containing
a Domain metamodel::Keypad element.Themodel-to-model
and the model-to-text transformation rules we have created for
our application example are available in the website [ARB].
Second stage: Facilities-to-components transformation rules.
The second set of transformation rules is defined from the
facilities metamodel to the components metamodel. These are
vertical model-to-model transformations since they transform
models between different abstraction levels. The source
abstraction level is the application domain abstraction level,
the target one is the abstraction level including concerns
related to software components.
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