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The architecture metamodel. The architecture metamodel is
at the same level of abstraction as the components metamodel.
However, the architecture metamodel includes new
metaconcepts to represent the variants identified regarding
architectural design. While the components metamodel
has general and common concepts regarding component
based development, the architecture metamodel refines it to
include concepts of specific vendors' implementations such
as OSGi. Figure 4.8 presents the architecture metamodel.
The Component metaconcept is now also specialized in
Service ; thus, components can be configured to be either
periodic or service components. Furthermore, the Component
metaconcept includes the property instantiationMode to
indicate when a component is instantiated, ON _ INVOCATION
or ON _ DEPLOYMENT . Thus, a software designer can configure a
component to be a periodic or a service component and to be
instantiated on invocation or on deployment. Let us suppose
a building owner wants to check the environment inside
the building to open/close the windows accordingly. Then,
the software designer should configure a basic component to
Figure 4.8. The architecture metamodel
4.5.2. Feature models
Due to the different sources of variability, MD-SPL
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