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conditioning, or the door lock controls. We can use several
different components technologies such as J2EE and Fractal,
but in the domain of home-automation OSGi [OSG 09] is the
de facto standard. The chosen technology generally implies
a particular metamodel associated with the framework or
the language. The interested reader will find general surveys
about component programming and architectural description
languages in [CZA 99, MED 00]. In our case, we choose
OSGi and use a proper metamodel based on UML2 notations.
The OSGi framework implements a complete and dynamic
component model. Applications or components ( bundles for
deployment) can be remotely installed, started, stopped,
updated and uninstalled without requiring a reboot. The
management lifecycle is achieved through APIs that allow for
remote downloading of management policies. The OSGi
metamodel includes more implementation details than the
domain metamodel and the facilities metamodel. That is
because this metamodel is at a lower abstraction level than
the two previously presented metamodels.
Figure 4.6. The facilities metamodel
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