Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
The SEIASAS finance in advance the full cost of the modernisation works but
farmers have to pay 50 per cent at the starting of the works as an amortisation tariff.
The remaining 50 per cent is paid from the 26 th year in 25 instalments.
Current and future figures of the PNR Programmes
At the end of 2004, the situation of the works of the different programmes can be seen
in Tables 7 and 8:
Table 7. Surfaces (31 December 2004)
Surface (ha)
% Programmed execution
In execution
1 134 891
1 384 696
Zs. into execution
138 361
136 095
Social purposes
86 425
35 594
Private comms.
18 000
7 296
1 377 682
1 563 681
Table 8. Investments (31 December 2004)
Total investment (EUR)
% Programmed execution
3 056 591 302
1 504 487 055
Zs. into execution
1 136 567 982
341 536 622
Social purposes
681 908 331
96 177 192
Private comms.
123 808 492
19 768 218
Support programme
25 699 278
28 502 612
55 024 575 385
1 990 471 699
Water saving in irrigation is the result of several actions:
control of the existing supply
reduction of gross demand by reducing water losses in the conveyance networks,
improving efficiency in watering methods, growing less water demanding crops, and
reducing water returns of the irrigation.
The estimated water saving achieved by the modernisation works executed during
2004 amounts to 844 Hm 3 and the expected water saving at the end of the 2008 could be
more than 2 100 Hm 3 . The improvement of water management and water saving will
reduce groundwater abstractions in zones with over- exploited aquifers.
With respect to the social objectives, in the new irrigation zones, more than
25 000 new jobs and 21 500 Units of work are expected. But the tendency for the next
future irrigation policies is to limit new irrigation areas.
Water management in modern irrigation-based farms is conducive to a better control
of the use of inputs like fertilisers and pesticides, so that diffuse pollution can be reduced.
Nevertheless, the PNR has an environmental monitoring programme which, for the
moment, controls the compliance with the environmental impact assessments of the
infrastructure works, and when the modernised irrigation bodies will be working, will
permit knowledge of how the PNR is meeting its objectives.
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