Agriculture Reference
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Another important points are contained in Decree 152/99: the obligation to apply a
“code of best agricultural practice” in the areas designated as vulnerable to nitrates from
agricultural sources; the definition of action Programmes for agronomic use of livestock
production waste water and of olive oil production waste water; the norms for urban
waste water reuse for irrigation.
With respect to water quality for irrigation, in Italy a specific law does not exist, like
in the majority of the other countries. That is due to the wide variability of factors that
determine water quality for irrigation (soil, crops, irrigation methods). So, there is a
consequent difficulty in establishing common indicators and quality standards that would
be good for all agronomic situations. Otherwise, Decree 152/99 defines that the “good”
level of water will assure all water uses, so water quality classification of the decree is the
legislation regarding the estimation of water quality for irrigation.
In synthesis, the Italian legislation evolution led to the definition of the so-called
"Integrated Water Cycle", characterised by three levels:
“planning” of water resources allocation on a river basin scale. At this level, both
environmental and productive aims are defined.
“programming”, concerning the definition of the political strategies and the economic
instruments to achieve the aims fixed at the planning level. At this level, Action
Programmes and financial resources allocation are defined.
“management” of water resources, entrusted to several agencies in the territory.
Planning of water use and water protection is entrusted to the several Authorities
competent in the water system, first of all:
Italian regions; 17
“river basin authorities” instituted by the Law 183/89 for the government of resources
at river basin level (there are 11 national, 18 interregional and several regional river
“ambit authorities” instituted by Law 34/96 for civil, industrial and purification fields
(there are 89 authorities in the territory).
The planning level has to assure the integration between productive requirements and
environmental aims. So, ideally, there is a unique water planning policy in a river
basin.The programming level act through several investment programmes, entrusted to
the competent authorities (see paragraph 4).
The water management level of water at territorial level is entrusted to:
“integrated services” for civil and industrial uses and for the water purification field
(Law 36/94); they operate on the directive of ambit authorities;
several agencies for irrigation (see paragraph 1).
Italy has constituted 21 Regions as administrative units on the territory.
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