Agriculture Reference
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Giving due consideration to all the affecting parameters, such as monthly rainfall and
the initial soil moisture content, soil moisture capacity, potential crop evapo-transpiration
(etc.), quick runoff including interflow, ground water recharge, irrigation withdrawal and
return, evapo-transpiration for nature and for agriculture sectors in each land parcel were
worked out. The domestic and industrial withdrawals, use and returns were also
accounted for.
Figure 1. Schematic Diagram of BHIWA model
The scenarios studied considered emerging possibilities, the developmental plans, and
improved water and soil management plans etc. In Sabarmati River Basin, there is little
possibility of additional dams and structures across the river, and there is no possibility of
increasing the storage capacity. The available storage capacity in SB1 and SB2 is not
fully utilised. There are plans for large imports from the Narmada River by inter-basin
water transfer schemes. The Gujarat State Government, under whose jurisdiction the
harnessing of Sabarmati River lies as per the Indian constitutional provisions, has evolved
a plan for using monsoon (Indian rainy seasonal flows in rivers are from monsoons, as is
well known) surpluses from the Narmada River, for pumping and filling up of the high
level storages, including those in Sub Basin 1 and Sub Basin 2. Although there could be
various pros and cons about these plans, their possibilities needed a quick evaluation.
Similarly the possibility of constraints on imports due to inter-state issues (water, in a
broader sense, being a state subject, as per the Indian Constitutions) also exists, and this
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