Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
The economic analysis is an important part of the process to identify realistic goals
and find the appropriate measures. If we want the economic analysis to take account of
the relationship between agriculture and nature management it is important to decide in
advance what assumptions and principles are selected within the analysis. It will be
possible to distribute the costs within the programmes of measures eventually selected as
the most cost-effective. The Social Cost Benefit Analysis (SCBA) can be used to clarify
the benefits that will be derived from achieving the objectives, where environmental
objectives should be included. In order to strike the best possible balance between the
various interests in rural areas, such as nature management and agriculture, it is important
to realise that the principles referred to in the Cost Effective Analysis (CEA) and the
SCBA will have impact on the results. Decisions made now will influence the degrees of
freedom for decisions further in the implementation trajectory. The decision whether or
not the monetary value of nature is included in the analysis, for instance, determines the
distribution of costs and benefits of measures. This influences the decision whether a
measure is disproportionate or not. The final decision whether costs and benefits are
disproportional is not an economic question but a political one.
Bos,E.J., 2003). “De economische waardering van natuur en milieu in
projectevaluaties — Naar een natuurinclusieve MKBA.” Agricultural Economics
Research Institute (LEI). The Hague.
Brouwer R. and Strosser P. (2004). “Environmental and Resources Costs and the Water
Framework Directive — An overview of European practices.” Workshop
proceedings. Riza working paper. Amsterdam.
Eijgenraam, C.J.J., C.C. Koopmans et al. (2000) . “ Evaluatie van infrastructuurprojecten.
Leidraad voor kosten-batenanalyse”. Sdu Uitgevers. The Hague.
Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality (Ministerie van Landbouw, Natuur en
Voedselkwaliteit — LNV) (2005). ”Perspectieven voor de agrarische sector in
Nederland.” LNV. The Hague.
Ministry of transport, public works and water management (Ministerie van Verkeer en
Waterstaat — V&W) (2003). “Handboek KRW. V&W, The Hague.
Ministry of transport, public works and water management (Ministerie van Verkeer en
Waterstaat — V&W) (2004a). “Water in the Netherlands 2004- 2005 — facts and
figures”. V&W. The Hague.
Ministry of transport, public works and water management (Ministerie van Verkeer en
Waterstaat — V&W) (2004b). “Europese KRW — Pragmatische Implementatie
Europese Kaderrichtlijn Water in Nederland. — Van beelden naar betekenis.” V&W.
The Hague.
Raad voor financiële verhoudingen (2005). “De prijs van water, wie betaalt de
rekening — Jaarrapport 2005.” The Hague.
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