Civil Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
Chapter 11
Sustainability and Energy Conservation
Scoring Systems
Human technical advancements during the industrial age have led to many inventions
in different fi elds. In building industry inventions such as utilization of refrigerants
like chlorofl uorocarbon (CFC), and hydro-chlorofl uorocarbon (HCFC) in manufac-
turing buildings air conditioning systems, using Halon (a compound made of bro-
mide, fl uorine and carbon) in building fi re distinguishing systems, and using
carbon-based fuels in the forms of burning wood, coal, oil, natural gas, or any other
sub-product of these materials for electricity generation in power plants have
changed the face of the industry drastically. Even though these are some of the
major contributors to the advancement of the buildings and building technologies
during these years, unfortunately the advancement of the building technologies is
not these items sole effect. These innovations had also been proven to create some
notable negative consequences for both people and the environment.
Halons, CFCs and similar refrigerant agents usually remain very stable while
they are near the ground. They have a good potential to stay on ground level after
breaking out of their systems, e.g. refrigerant leak from the refrigerant system, and
they will remain there until the climate activities such as wind push them to higher
elevations, while they are still stable. They stay stable until they reach the ozone
layer that is approximately 10-25 miles above the earth surface. When these
refrigerants reach the ozone (O 3 ) layer the condition will change. Due to the higher
intensity of the ultraviolet radiation in this layer, these compounds break apart and
release agents of chlorine and bromide. Chlorine and bromide have great potential
for rapidly interact with O 3 . These interactions force one atom of O to separate from
the O 3 molecule, and due to the rapid rate of interaction the amount of O 3 molecules
in ozone layer intensively decrease. This event when continuously happens will
deplete the ozone layer which reduces the earth protective shield against sun ultra-
violet radiation. As ozone layer depletes larger quantity of sun radiation can reach
the earth. This higher degree level of radiation can cause different complications
such as people skin cancer. It also can generate additional warming effect on the
earth which as a consequence will contribute to global warming phenomenon.
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